
Because a Rising Tide Raises all Ships

Whether you’re a new pattern designer or you’ve been designing patterns for years, there are so many things to learn! Because designing a pattern is just one part of the business. Once you’ve designed your pattern, you need to figure out if you’ll sell it digitally, in print, or both. You may need to set up a website or digital storefront. If you print your patterns, you have decisions to make about inventory. And then there is the marketing! How do you get your pattern in front of customers and into quilt shops? 

You might have thought that starting a business in the quilting industry was going to lead to more time with your fabric and sewing machine – but between social media, email marketing, customer service emails, shipping, shop updates, tech editing… it can be days (or weeks!) between sewing a stitch.

At Quilt Pattern Designer .com, we’re hoping to provide resources to help pattern designers at all skill levels.

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