Goal Setting Workshop

Join Carolina Moore once a week for a 5-week session on setting goals for 2024. Each week, we’ll go over a different aspect of the goal setting process, and then spend time working through the information. These are 60-minute sessions, with homework between sessions. The amount of time your homework will take depends on you – how organized you are, and how you plan.

To be successful, you’ll need to commit to dedicated time each of week. If you can join live, that is always best. If live doesn’t work for your time zone or your lifestyle, then commit a time on your calendar to follow along with the recording. A recording will be sent to all participants.

If you don’t take the time to plan next year, it will plan itself. And that plan may be wildly different than you were hoping for!

Sign-ups close December 7th.

Here are overviews of what we’ll be covering in each session:

Homework to prepare for week 1: Fill out the spreadsheet as much as you can.

Week 1: Where have you been?

Friday, December 8th, 9am Pacific/10am Mountain/11am Central/Noon Eastern

We’re going to do a deep-dive on your numbers to figure out what you have accomplished this last year. This is a celebration, not a judgement. Every single thing that you’ve done this past year is something that didn’t exist before. Every dollar you made is a dollar that you earned. Every follower you gained is one more person who loves what you have to offer. We want to understand these numbers, because this is the foundation we’re starting from as we look at next year. These numbers are just for you, you will not be asked to share this information with anyone else.

Homework to prepare for week 2: Strengths Inventory.

Week 2: What are your strengths?

Friday, December 15th, 9am Pacific/10am Mountain/11am Central/Noon Eastern

Now we’re going to take a look at what you do well. What are your strengths in business? What are your personal strengths? What are your strengths in relationships? Some personal-growth methodologies focus on building up your weaknesses. Which is fine. But if we build your business around your strengths, you’ll have a stronger business. And one that was built for you to lead it.

You’ll be doing a personal inventory of your strengths, and asking friends, family, and even customers to share with you as well. I’ll ask you to write this up into a single page for you to reference later. For accountability, I’ll ask you to share this with me, but it will not be shared publicly without explicit consent from you.

Week 3: Let’s set some goals!

Friday, December 22nd, 9am Pacific/10am Mountain/11am Central/Noon Eastern

We’re going to take what we learned in weeks 1 and 2, and do goal setting like you’ve never done before. We’re going to use what we learned about this past year, and what we’ve learned about our own strengths, to create a plan for the upcoming year.

We’re going to look at attainable goals, reasonable goals, unreasonable goals, and we will set at least one financial goal. If you’ve been taught that having a money goal in a “soft” industry like quilting feels “icky,” then we’re going to undo that thinking (at least some of it). Because the only way we get to continue our businesses is if it makes sense to do so. And making sense usually involves profit.

The goals should make sense, be in line with what you have coming up this year, and get you to where you want to be this time next year, in five years, and beyond.

Week 4: Breaking Down the Goals

Friday, December 29th, 9am Pacific/10am Mountain/11am Central/Noon Eastern

Now it is time to break down the goals we made last week into manageable chunks. These are 12-month goals, if we tried to get it all done in January we’d burn out fast! We’re going to break these goals down into sub-goals to work on throughout the year. Some of your goals from last week might be attainable in a few weeks or months. Some, like financial goals, might take the whole year. Breaking the goals down will make them attainable. It will give you smaller milestones to celebrate as you head towards your goal. And, you’ll have benchmarks along the way to see if you’re off track and need to make some adjustments. Goals are not set in stone—you get to change them if you want.

Week 5: First Steps

Friday, January 5th, 9am Pacific/10am Mountain/11am Central/Noon Eastern

A plan is great, now let’s execute the plan. What do you need to make these goals happen? Do you need a planner or a tracker? Do you need to put your goals up where you see them each day? Do you want to set up a reward or vision board for achieving your goal? Each person is different, the only right answers here are the ones that work for you, and the only wrong answers are the ones that won’t work for you. If you’re not sure, it is okay to try a few things until you find what does work. We’ll talk about ways to execute the plan, and also what to do when your mojo wanes.

Even the best plan with the best intentions will need adjustments over the course of twelve months. We’ll put some plans in place now for how to overcome those hurdles when they show up (because they will).

Quarterly Followup Sessions:

Date and time of these sessions TBA.

End of Q1 Check-in, celebrations and adjustments

End of Q2 Check-in, celebrations, adjustments, and plan for Q4 (yes! Already!)

End of Q3 Check in, celebrations, adjustments, and executing Q4

End of year celebration—regardless of where you ended your year, let’s take a minute to celebrate all that you did, and all that you learned.

Sign-ups close Thursday, December 7th.

Once you purchase the workshop, you’ll be given 3 documents to download. One is a basic spreadsheet to track your numbers for this past year, the second is a set of questions to review this past year, and the third is an image you can print to keep by your desk (or screenshot on your phone) with the dates, times, and login information for the workshop sessions.

If you have any questions about the goal setting workshop, contact carolina@carolinamoore.com